Monday, July 23, 2012

Using 1910 Soundex on Archive org

I've posted a brief article on using the 1910 Soundex  on my Rootdig blog. Feel free to post comments there if you are inclined.

Allen County Public Library Material On Archive.Org

The Allen County Public Library has a significant amount of microfilm from the US National Archives. In an ongoing project, it is allowing digital images of that microfilm to be placed for free on Here are links to some of that material

Microfilm digitized by the Internet Archive for Allen County Public Library:
  • All ACPL Microfilm Online.
  • 1930 United States Census.
  • 1920 United States Census.
  • 1910 United States Census.
  • 1900 United States Census.
  • 1880 United States Census.
  • 1870 United States Census.
  • 1860 United States Census.
  • 1850 United States Census.
  • 1840 United States Census.
  • 1830 United States Census.
  • 1820 United States Census.
  • 1810 United States Census.
  • 1800 United States Census.
  • 1790 United States Census.
  • Veterans Administration Payment Cards 1907 to 1933.
  • War of 1812 Records.
  • Indian Census of the United States - 1885-1940.

  • Hopefully there will be finding aids to Soundex (microfilm) and other films added. 

    Saturday, July 21, 2012

    July 2012 Webinars

    26July 2012
    3:00 PM CST
    1820-1870 Census Case study—the Newmans
    See how a family was traced in the 1820 through the 1870 census in the Midwest (KY, IN, IL). This case study will discuss search techniques, methodology, making certain you have the “right family,” correlating information, and more.
    26 July 2012
    1:00 PM CST
    Crossing the Pond—Part II
    This webinar will discuss reading, interpreting, and using passenger lists between 1820 and 1920. This session will not discuss search techniques of online databases, but will cover where to go once the manifest has been located, making certain you have the correct family and getting the most from what the manifest says.

    Attendees may wish to purchase our US Passenger Lists at ($8.50) webinar which discusses searching these lists or our Crossing the Pond ($8.50) webinar which focuses the methodology of tracing immigrant origins in the 18th and 19th centuries.
    26 July 2012
    8:30 PM CST
    The American Revolution at
    This webinar will discuss American Revolutionary War service records, benefit records, and other Revolutionary War materials on Search approaches for these materials will also be discussed.
    24 July 2012
    1:00 PM CST
    Working With Your Tree: Part 2, Corrections
    Have you merged records into your genealogical database and have “repeat” ancestors, ancestors married twice to the same person and other errors? We’ll see how to make corrections to these problems and others. We’ll also look at how to minimize making these mistakes again.

    Friday, July 20, 2012

    Tuesday, July 10, 2012

    Do You Know Your Soundex Equivalents?

    I was looking for Uncle Claude Sartorius in various indexes today, using a Soundex-based search.

    After a little frustration, I had to remind myself that one variant--Satorius--is not the Soundex equivalent of Sartorius.

    When you perform Soundex-based searches, do you keep yourself aware of which variants are Soundex equivalents and which ones are not?

    Monday, July 9, 2012

    Reminders When Using Online Indexes

    Just a few reminders when using online indexes:
    • Get a copy of the original.
    • Indexers are human and make errors.
    • Handwriting on some records is difficult to read.
    • Some indexes are incomplete--determine what records are actually included in the index.