Monday, December 12, 2011

Learn the Old Search at

We've talked about the "old search" on That blog post shows you how to get it on your own site (assuming you have a personal account).

I like the old search and tomorrow (Tuesday 13, December) afternoon [1:30 PM PACIFIC]--this was accidentally left out of the original post is free on my schedule, so I've decided to set up a demonstration of what the old search will do, how to use it and some neat aspects of it. There's a reason why some of us like it. And the price of $1.50 can't be beat (we do have to pay the webinar hosting service something--they don't let us do these things for free). We will go through examples of using the old search--demonstration is the best way.

You can register and reserve your seat here for only $1.50. Confirmations with website link will be sent Tuesday morning.

Join us...and learn how to use the old search before it is too late!


  1. To switch from new search to old search (or from old to new) on, from home page hold cursor over Search, from drop-down menu click on "search all records." From that screen you can switch from one search to the other - click on "go to old search". If you are on old search it says "go to new search" instead. It's in the upper right hand side.

  2. Probably would help if the time was posted somewhere instead of just "afternoon"

  3. 1:30 Pacific which was omitted from original post.
